If not now, when?

Happy New Year!!

It's the New Year and wowee, what a year this past 2017 has been! 

I LOVE the end of the year and beginning of a New Year...

I do all my filing, clean up my home, probably do more tidying and cleaning at least in one fell swoop than ever, lol. I reorganize and I assess.


Assess... Did I do what I set out to do? Am I satisfied with the results? Did I keep all the promises I made to myself?

What am I dreaming about that I shelved and meant to bring to life?

I ask myself " If not now, when? "

And I recommit to myself to make the time, to put in the effort, to bring my ideas to life.


Because that is my raison d'etre.

Why I am here.

It means I may have to do some juggling, some prioritizing.

I have always felt that at a profound level, that we are given gifts, and we are meant to bring them to life. 

As Marie Forleo would say, " It's all figureoutable " ... haha, I think it was actually her mom who said that, but Marie brought it to us over in B-school.

Today on January 1st, I'm doing my assessment and looking at my promises and looking at what needs to be brought to life in 2018.

What are promises have you made to yourself that you are dreaming into?

Happy New Year my lovely Creative Ones,

Tant d’amour,


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