Showing Up vs Showing Off

It's almost the end of the year & I have been thinking about what has worked for me best, what hasn't worked and where in my life I saw more " success ". 

As a competitive figure skater, as a former fashion designer selling my fashions all around the world, one thing  I know for sure is that to be successful, I had to show up.

So often, we second guess ourselves, we take a step back and we " think " about it.

Sometimes we just need to SHOW UP. 

I had to be at the rink side ready to skate at 6 am, I had to show up at the factory, ready to design. Sans faut. These are just do it moments, every single day.

So loved Ones, where in your life have you seen that just showing up & doing the work made ALL the difference? 

I'd love to hear back from you as we all need examples & inspiration to share in our community. I'd love to hear your best " I showed up " moments.

Much love to you, your creativity, your gifts to share with the world.

Many blessings,

Psst ~ If you are curious about what it is like to work with me, let's hop on a Complimentary Discovery call & see if we are a fit.

I love hearing everyone's creative ideas & figuring out how to pull them to earth, ground them in a sensible plan & move the project forward. 


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