What is it like to do a Discovery Call with me?

I LOVE doing Discovery Calls ~ 

They are complimentary, it gives me a chance to assess the potential client & their idea, to see if we are a fit and hopefully that they have some solid takeaways from our time together.

A Win-Win situation!

If they aren't ready ( financially or otherwise ) they have a head start, 

If they are ready, we can book 'em Danno!

Mostly, I really dig the responses that I get when I connect with a client ~

Here is what Joanne Hopkins said recently after a Discovery Call with me ~

A new creative idea, when it starts to come into vision, can be simultaneously thrilling and terrifying. 

Even as a seasoned professional in my craft, I often put my big "new" ideas on a shelf for fear that I'm trying to be "too big for my britches". 

A while back, an innovative idea popped into my mind while I was working.  Over the course of a few weeks, I tried to hush this vision until one day I thought to myself... "maybe I should bounce this idea off of another industry professional.  If they say I'm out of my mind, the idea goes into the shelf.  If they say it's brilliant, then it's a vision I will commit to bring forward and share."

I scanned my "Rolodex" for anyone I thought would hold me to my highest ideal.  Only one name kept coming back to me.  It was Cydney Mar.  I, somewhat hesitantly, reached out to Cydney, who greeted my ideas with such enthusiasm that I immediately booked a discovery call with her. 

What I didn't know when I nervously clicked "book appointment" was just how much I would shift and align with my vision just by speaking to her. 

With kindness and professionalism, Cydney and I worked through my ideas and discussed IF my idea was viable (it is), how I might begin (she gave sage wisdom),  what my next step is (this was a great surprise),. and...

The biggest thing I was blown away with is how clearly Cydney could see my vision.  Like she was seeing it with own mind.  I can't recommend her enough.  

I literally called my 5 closest friends and cheered that I truly had found a product based fairy godmother (they are hard to find)... And for the first time had the confidence to share my future reality, as I had never spoken about it aloud to anyone before Cydney. 

If you have even a spark of an idea, you will serve yourself by booking a discovery call with Cydney Mar.  With an actionable plan, and a new found support I could never have imagined, I now know what steps to take and also know who to hire when I'm ready for my next steps. 

Discovering with Cydney has been an honor and I look forward to working with her in the near future.  You should too.  Don't hesitate.  You will be delighted.

So excited to help my friends & clients bring their ideas to life ~

If you have been curious about a Discovery Call with me, please don't hesitate!!

 Many blessings 


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