I love design because I LOVE figuring things out...
What are the key elements of this design story, the theme, and the sensibility? What colours evoke that brand, what details would make it immediately recognizable?
Who is going to wear this, choose this style & where are they wearing it? What are they doing? Who are they with? What are they thinking about? Where are they living? What else do they have in their closet? Why did they reach for this garment, not another?
How does that fabric feel? How does the fabric make them feel? What values do these wearers have? What is important to them? How can I let them know that I was listening to what they wanted when I created this item even if they did not tell me?
These are the kinds of puzzles that I LOVE, the ones that help me figure things out so I can hone in and create the perfect designs, time & time again.
Questions, good questions help us understand our customers and aid us in creating the right items. As my old skating coach said, you want the accent on the right syl-LAB-ble, lol.
What questions are YOU asking to help guide your design decisions? I'd love to know!
Keep asking those precious questions, I love seeing the wheels turning as I see you thinking, mulling over the ideas. This makes me happy!
Keep creating dear ones, keep asking questions & you will create the ideas of your dreams,
PS I don't do "play puzzles" because for me the game of design puzzles is so much more satisfying!